Monday, March 19, 2012

Enyo Woes!!!

Since I've finished my senior project, (I know it's not necessary to state that every time, but I'm super excited its done) I've been able to work a little bit more in the Enyo framework with WebOS.

I've been working on a goal tracker program but I've run into some problems. I'm hoping some one will have an answer! I've posted on the Enyo forums to no avail!

This is a problem I'm having with all the pickers in this project. None of them are opening up where they should. They always open up in the left hand corner. I haven't changed any of the code for the date picker, I'll I do is create one and put it in component and it opens up in the wrong place! Here's the code:
{kind:"DatePicker", labelClass: "whitetxtColor", label: "Due Date", name: "addDate"}

I've been working on making my app look a lot nice with some css. I've been mostly successful minus this modal dialog for deleting goals. This first shot is just the normal standard css, the second is my attempt to change things. All I did was simply change the className and contentClassName properties and it does change them... just not the entire ModalDialog. Any tips on how to fix this problem? Here's the code:
{kind: "ModalDialog", name: "deletePopup", className: "bkdark", contentClassName: "bkdark", components[     
   {kind: "VFlexBox", flex: 1, components:[  
      {content: "", name: "confirmDel"},   
         {kind: "HFlexBox", components: [ 
            {kind: "Button", flex: 1, caption: "Cancel", onclick: "cancelClick"},
            {kind: "Button", flex: 1, className: "enyo-button-negative", caption: "Delete", onclick: "confirmClick"}

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Project Finished

I just have to show off... :D

Yes, it's a QR code to my blog... but more importantly it works even when rotated.

And proof that it actually can do more than just that QR code, here's three different ones and they are a different version than the previous one.

Here's a link to the google code project. You can use whatever pictures... it's just very temperamental... you can only have a white background and the lighting has to be just so... but it works... mostly!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012


So it works! I've finished the programming part of my project! I was super excited to get it done!!!
I ended up using a library to take the bits of data and find the text/website that the QR code had stored in it.

It definitely still needs a lot of work before it will be really useful, but it should pass all the tests I need it to for this class!